The synergy between Campeche and Quintana Roo has been key to increasing the promotion of Campeche tourist attractions at the national level. Through joint presentations and promotional visits, the Campeche Hotel and Motel Association, led by Héctor Cámara Mijangos, has strengthened its network of contacts and generated new opportunities for collaboration with key players in the tourism industry, especially in the Riviera Maya. And Cancun.
“There has been a lot of joint work to publicize everything that Campeche offers in terms of culture, nature, and gastronomy,” said Cámara Mijangos.
This effort has resulted in an increase in tourists from Quintana Roo, interested in exploring the natural, archaeological, and gastronomic riches of Campeche. In addition, the collaboration has promoted the development of hotel infrastructure in a state with limited accommodation options, facilitating improvements in connectivity and tourist services.
“There has been a positive movement in attracting tourists and in the interaction between locals and visitors,” added the president of the Association.

Joint actions will continue to strengthen the relationship between both states, diversify the tourism offer, and consolidate their presence in the national market, benefiting both regions.
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