At the sixth edition of the Mucbilpollo Fair in San Sebastian, some 18 thousand people, including entire families, gathered to enjoy this Yucatecan gastronomic delicacy.
As the evening fell, the smell of Pibes continued to draw diners to the neighborhood of San Sebastian, where thousands of people arrived early in the morning willing to try this traditional dish that is in high demand this season and they had the opportunity to try a wide variety, in slices or even buy a whole pib to take home.
The day of activities and sales of this event lasted 12 hours, from 8 in the morning until 8 at night, with free admission, which allowed the coexistence of families who, after walking around and making a decision about where and what to buy, lined up in an orderly fashion at the stands they chose to buy their portion, many ate in the place where the tables were set up, others bought them to take away.
This is how the seventh edition of the Mucbipollo Fair was lived, which included the realization of artistic and cultural events such as Jarana dances, presentation of comedians, and, even, the adoption of dogs and cats was promoted, and the support of the attendees was requested for the collection of food and supplies for these pets; of course, the ceremony of the buried kids was recreated again, which was served in the afternoon session.

The president of the Mucbipollo fair, Henry Cetina Cámara, confirmed that they expected an attendance of approximately 22 thousand people because the event is better known every year, in addition to the fact that this traditional dish, which although it can be prepared at any time of the year, for these dates of the dead, its tasting has a special flavor and that was what gave rise to the neighbors of San Sebastián deciding to organize and make this sale that each year receives more diners and that, this time, had the participation of 14 bidders.
Attendees had the option to choose the flavor, from the traditional pork and chicken Pibes with or without x’pelón; the one with black filling, which has become one of the favorites along with the one with kastakán; there were also tenderloin, ham, and cheese, pork tenderloin, pork tenderloin with cheese and cochinita, the price of the slice were 100 pesos, but you could also buy the complete Pibes from 800, 900 and a little more, depending on the specialty.
In addition to the food and the shows, attendees also had the opportunity to taste desserts, bread, ice cream, soft drinks, and snacks. Finally, it should be noted that in this edition there was the participation of suppliers from the municipalities of Chapab, and Ticul, as well as from the different Merida “Comisarías“.
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