“The federal government’s initiative to protect the Mayan octopus will help reduce illegal fishing, which is carried out mainly on the beaches of Dzilam de Bravo and Celestún, in addition to obtaining a better price value and actions for care and preservation”, said Romel Alcocer Díaz, secretary of the Federation of Fishing Production of the East of the State.
Regarding the predation of the species, he reported that it is a situation that is not yet regulated and that, through illegal fishing, people force the exit of these animals with chlorine, which is evident in the caves where they take shelter, which also damages the water and other species.
The fish sales recently closed with 40 percent more than last year, with a regulated price, this would be a relief after a poor response last summer.
As previously reported by The Yucatan Times, the Mayan octopus from the Yucatan Peninsula obtained the Protected Geographical Indication (PGI), making it the first fishing indication of its kind in Mexico and its capture will be maintained under sustainable production practices, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
The published agreement establishes that the capture will be carried out exclusively during the day and using the Gareteo or Campechano method, a highly selective system that allows only adult male octopuses to be captured, avoiding incidental fishing. This method also allows juvenile specimens to be returned to the sea making it sustainable, since it especially protects females that have spawned and are caring for their eggs.
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