Yucatecan Real Estate company AR Desarrolladora Peninsular intends to transform a farm into a residential tourist complex 15 miles away from Chichen Itzá
Just 24 kilometers (15 miles), from Chichén Itzá, the company AR Desarrolladora Peninsular intends to convert a farm into a residential tourist complex that will be a new town in the municipality of Uayma: Kawa, which will feature 69 residences in five condominiums, 16 parking spaces, 42 streets, five playgrounds and four pet parks, amphitheaters, a market, an orchard, a farm, a restaurant, an astronomical observatory, a spa, a gym, permanent bonfires, grills, a clubhouse… and urban services.
The company requested the environmental permit from Semarnat to permanently remove all vegetation in 386,278.6 square meters (m2), or 38.62 hectares, for the streets, parking lots, and tourist buildings, and minor vegetation in 1,471,841.81 m2 (147.18 ha) that will be the conservation area for flora and fauna, such as birds, where it intends to leave tall trees and build trails and other facilities for outdoor activities.
If it obtains the environmental permit, AR will invest 100 million pesos to build only the tourist complex in two years and operate it for a minimum of 40 years, it reports in the Regional Environmental Impact Statement (MIA), which is now being evaluated by Semarnat for an approval or negative opinion.
The MIA is regional because, AR says, the Kawa complex will have an environmental impact that will be added to those of a tilapia farm, a photovoltaic park and a solar park, a thermoelectric plant, the Chichén Itzá airport (in Kaua), the work on the Mayan Train, the electrification for this railroad and a mixed development (with a 2018 MIA) that operates in the municipalities of Uayma, Chankom, Cuncunul, Tinum and Valladolid.
Likewise, AR highlights that the people who buy the 69 macro lots must process their own federal permits: the environmental permit to build their residence on half of the land (the other 50% must be left as a conservation area) and the permit to discharge water into the aquifer, as well as state and municipal licenses to build, and also install a 3,000 liter (l) biodigester, a 2,600 l Sitar DLD14 brand treatment plant and an absorption well on their property.

The complex and the macro-lots will be supplied with electricity from a network that will be connected to the high voltage lines that go from Valladolid to San Lorenzo, Uayma police station, and with pedestal transformers of 30, 45, and 500 KVA (kilovolt-ampere).
Two Tatsa brand LP gas stationary tanks will be installed (one of 2,800 in the clubhouse and one of 5,000 in the Holistic Center).
Two wells will be drilled with osmosis systems that will be connected to two cisterns (one of 7,500 liters for the clubhouse and one of 1,500 l for the access booth) with which the condominium operator company will supply water to the residences.
Two wastewater treatment plants will be built exclusively for the clubhouse and the guardhouse.
Ten containers will be placed for recyclable and organic waste, and this waste will be taken to a collection plant.
Twice a week, a company authorized by the Uayma City Council will collect waste from the residences, the clubhouse, and the access gate.
In each condominium, a main road circuit, secondary streets, and pedestrian paths will be created.
TYT Newsroom