Moving is one of the most stressful and important stages in any person’s life, but it can be even more difficult when it comes to the whole family. And of course especially when it comes to children. A home for kids is something more than even for their parents, who seemed to have lived there for many more years and in theory should be more attached to home place, but things are a little more complicated.
Let the child say goodbye to the old place
A home for children is about safety and no matter what age they are, it can be very difficult for them to accept these changes even if you move to a much more comfortable and beautiful place. Therefore, take care to make the process as calm and comfortable as possible in advance. For example, it may be important for a child to say goodbye to his old house and his last room – give him this time and space so that he can comfortably leave the previous stage behind. So your child will be much calmer if you hire for your move because there it will pass quickly unnoticed and without unnecessary noise.
Talk to the child, it is important to prepare him
Before big changes, it is extremely important to have a conversation with your baby. Pretending that everything that happens is absolutely normal is not the best strategy, so the child can fall out of the familiar reality and then feel unreasonable anxiety for a long time. It is important to assure him that feeling terribly nervous and moody is okay at such a time, but it will definitely pass and he will get used to it. To give him confidence, parents can, for example, talk about their own experiences, and also tell him that he will soon go to a new school. It is also wise to show them in advance the educational institution, the distance from home and visit a new area, providing them with new places to walk, new shops and parks that are close to new home. Finally, if it is possible before the start of the school year, you better meet with a new teacher or director of a new school, it can be a very useful thing for your kid in future.
Support them in their integration
On the first day of school, ideally both parents or at least one of them should accompany the child to the new school. It is equally important that they manage to find time to bring him to school and pick him up from school in the early days. In addition, it is important to quickly schedule an appointment with the teacher (if this is not possible in advance or on the first day of class) to introduce him to a new student, explain to him that he is new in the district. The first week is always stressful, so it is important to try to calm down by observing whether the child is worried, as well as accepting his small outbursts. It’s only natural that he needs time to get used to his new surroundings, so don’t rush him!

Photo: Darya Azarovich –
Don’t forget about social connections and friends
Whoever talks about moving, also talks about the first separations from friends! Some children are nostalgic, others are not. To support him in this challenge, offer to arrange time with him on weekends or during vacations. And if you live too far away, calm him down by showing that today, thanks to computers, it is very easy to stay connected! The main thing is to show him that it is still possible to keep in touch. As for the new friends he will make in this new city, you can help him integrate, for example, by organizing a snack on arrival, as well as involving him in extracurricular activities. Then don’t be too persistent in asking him questions after school. Everything will happen naturally. Calm down by telling him about your days and new meetings. It is very important to support the child with kindness, but unobtrusively.
Be patient!
Do not despair if your child does not get good grades or does poorly in the first few months at a new school. To make your child feel motivated to continue striving and improving his results every day, try to praise him and recognize his achievements, even if they are small. The confirmation of their strengths by parents contributes to the emotional development of children and gives them a sense of competence in relation to the new school. Children notice when they upset their parents because of poor academic performance at school. It is up to you to maintain an atmosphere of comfort and affection.
If parents are calm and confident and also explain to the child that now is the time for changes that will make your common future even more colorful, then moving will not leave negative consequences on it, but on the contrary, will open a new chapter in your kid’s life.