Yucatán leads auto parts production at the beginning of 2024

During January and February, Yucatán presented the highest growth in auto parts production ever seen in any entity in the country, with an annual increase of 84.48%.

Production in the state reached 41 million dollars in the first two months of this year, from a level of 22 million dollars reached in the same period of 2023, according to figures presented this Tuesday by the National Auto Parts Industry (INA).

After Yucatán, Zacatecas and Durango registered the greatest advances in automotive production, with advances of 28%, to 218 million dollars, and 24%, to 158 million dollars, respectively.

When revealing the production progress figures, Michelle Sagrero, Communication Manager of the association, commented that the growth seen in these states is notable, since they tend to be entities that historically have not been recognized for their automotive production.

Likewise, he highlighted the benefits of this phenomenon, such as the generation of economic growth and the visibility of the potential of these states in the manufacture of auto parts.

The INA omitted which automotive components these entities are producing, although it highlighted that at the national level electrical parts, followed by transmissions and clutches are the parts that led auto parts manufacturing in the first two months. Throughout the country, auto parts production showed a growth of 11.12% in the first two months.

TYT Newsroom

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