Home Headlines Woman gives birth in a Cancun gas station bathroom

Woman gives birth in a Cancun gas station bathroom

by Yucatan Times
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On the night of Wednesday, May 22, a woman from Chiapas gave birth in the bathroom of a gas station in the municipality of Benito Juárez, Quintana Roo.

The incident occurred after staff at a clinic of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) in Region 93 refused her admission saying that “there was still time for delivery.”

According to what was reported by the woman’s husband, when the contractions began they went to a hospital, however, she was not treated, because the medical staff there told them that she was still several days away from giving birth.

The couple decided to leave the hospital and went shopping at a convenience store at the gas station. While they were in the store, the woman began to feel labor pains and went to the bathroom, where she finally gave birth.

After calling 911, paramedics assigned to the Rescue and Emergency Medical Squad arrived on site and helped the woman give birth to a healthy baby.

The mother and son were later transferred to the IMSS facilities for medical evaluation.

TYT Newsroom

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