The ocelot is a small wild cat, matte gray, mottled in black or dark brown. It weighs 2 to 3.5 kilograms, and measures between 38 and 59 centimeters, plus the length of its tail (nuanced with dark rings) varies between 25 and 42 centimeters.
Jairo Chi, a resident of the municipality of Umán, Yucatán, shared photos and a video of a margay on the afternoon of Friday, May 24, when it approached the grounds of his workshop; in the community of Tebec in bad shape, because due to the high temperatures that have broken records in the region, many animals escape from their habitat to try to find a source of water where they can quench their thirst.

It is necessary that in municipalities and rural areas, containers with clean water be placed under the shade so that both wild and domestic animals do not die of thirst.

It is also advisable to do what this citizen did, who upon detecting the feline within the town, called the corresponding authorities for its proper rescue, medical care, and relocation to its natural habitat.
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