Home LifestyleArt and Culture The Great Museum of the Mayan World invites you to learn Yucatecan Mayan embroidery

The Great Museum of the Mayan World invites you to learn Yucatecan Mayan embroidery

by Yucatan Times
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As part of the actions to preserve and rescue Yucatecan Mayan embroidery, a practice recently recognized as Intangible Cultural Heritage of the State, the Great Museum of the Mayan World launched a call to teach free classes.

Workshop participants from the venue will teach the course Between Threads and Needles starting next May 17, where registered people will learn the technique known as Chuy Kab.

The workshop lasts two hours in each session and will take place in the multipurpose room of the Gran Museo del Mundo Maya, located at Avenida 60 number 299E. Classes will be taught on Fridays and Mondays from 11 in the morning to 1 in the afternoon. Registration is through the email [email protected], where you can also request more information about it.

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