Home Headlines Shortage of ice bags in Merida due to the intense heat

Shortage of ice bags in Merida due to the intense heat

by Yucatan Times
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“The shortage of bags with ice and the high demand for this product causes the ice cost to increase due to the intense heat in the State, as there is a high demand from citizens,” declared María Trinidad Guerrero Jiménez.

The president of the local delegation of the National Chamber of Small Commerce (CANACOPE), Guerrero Jiménez expressed that ice companies cannot supply corner stores and social convenience stores with enough bags of ice, since it is There is too much demand for the product from restaurateurs, citizens, bartenders and everyone who needs ice for their products.

He indicated that this has made bags of ice more expensive, so much so that no more than two bags can be sold to a customer to satisfy other consumers’ demands. Even those who organize parties are in trouble because there is no ice to cool soft drinks and beers. All of this is due to the intense heat in the State.

She added that the prices of bottled soft drinks and bottles with purified water have also increased slightly, which sell out very quickly and distributors take a long time to supply these products to corner stores and social convenience stores.

María Trinidad Guerrero Jiménez reiterated that in the case of energy drinks, the demand is from young people just like juices, therefore there is no shortage, but she admits that there is not enough supply of bags with ice, bottles of purified water, and bottled soft drinks.

TYT Newsroom

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