Scarlet fever cases increase in Mexico

Health authorities reported that the State of Mexico is the first place.

According to information shared by the Mexican Ministry of Health, in the period corresponding to the first months of 2024 (from January 1 to April 13) cases of scarlet fever increased by 6.5 percent in Yucatán.

Scarlet fever is an acute infectious disease that affects boys and girls and whose main symptoms are peeling of the skin, skin irritation, pharyngotonsillitis and fever. Likewise, health specialists mention that it is transmitted from the sick person to the healthy person through the air or by droplets of saliva.

Likewise, it is mentioned that carriers can also be infected through objects or food.

The incubation period lasts between 3 and 5 days, and almost always occurs asymptomatically. The invasion period is between 12 and up to 24 hours and may present with high fever, vomiting and headache.

Finally, health authorities reported that the State of Mexico is the first place in this disease, with 50 confirmed cases. Yucatán momentarily occupies the sixth place at the national level.

TYT Newsroom

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