Home NewsCrime “Operación Pensión”: A Social Welfare Initiative or an illegal Political Strategy?

“Operación Pensión”: A Social Welfare Initiative or an illegal Political Strategy?

by Yucatan Times
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Operación Pensión“: the ‘secret’ website of the Mexico City government that confirms the illegal electoral use of social programs by Morena.

The Mexican government, under the Morena party, has implemented a program known as the “Operación Pensión” or “Pension for the Well-being of Older Adults”. This initiative aims to provide universal support to men and women over 65 years old across the country. The objective is to contribute to the well-being of senior citizens by providing a non-contributory pension, thereby improving their living conditions and enabling access to social protection.

However, some critics and political analysts such as journalist Ignacio Gomez Villaseñor, argue that this program is a strategy to secure votes from the elderly population for the Morena party. They claim that the timing and the benefits of the program are designed to influence the voting behavior of senior citizens.

The program provides a series of benefits, including an economic support given bimonthly. To be eligible, applicants must provide proof of age, identification, and residence. In case of the beneficiary’s death, a one-time economic support is given to the registered assistant.

In addition to this, the Morena party has proposed a reform known as the “Fondo de Pensiones para el Bienestar” or “Welfare Pension Fund”. This reform aims to guarantee all citizens access to a decent pension. The fund will be financed by the resources of workers over 70 years old who have not requested the return of their retirement, old age and housing sub-accounts.

While these initiatives are undoubtedly beneficial to the elderly population, the question remains whether they are genuine efforts to improve social welfare or strategic moves to secure votes. As the debate continues, one thing is clear: the impact of these programs on the lives of senior citizens in Mexico is significant.

TYT Newsroom

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