International sport fishing tournament to take place in Isla Mujeres

Foto de Sebastian Pena Lambarri en Unsplash

The nineteenth edition of the XIX International Fishing Tournament of Isla Mujeres 2024, “Cosme Alberto Martínez Magaña”, will be held this coming weekend with the participation of at least 95 boats each manned by four members who will demonstrate their best techniques in the art of the rod and reel to be part of a purse of more than 850 thousand pesos in prizes.

This sports tourism event aims to attract national and international visitors from the interior of the state, who in addition to enjoying sport fishing, can also take the opportunity to discover the beauties of Isla Mujeres.

José Castillo Magaña, director of Economic Development and Tourism in the municipality, highlighted that the sports festival aims to preserve the tradition of fishing, as well as to maintain this tournament as one of the most important in the state of Quintana Roo.

The event is scheduled for May 24, 25, and 26, and it is expected to reach the 95 boats that were in last year’s edition.

In this sporting event, participants undertake the search for species such as bonito, marlin, dorado, or tuna, whose weights are added so that throughout the two days of fishing the scores are added up.

The competition belongs to a series of tournaments in the state and thanks to the “catch and release” sport fishing modality, where the fish is caught, the evidence is taken and the species is let go, so as not to hurt the natural balance of our oceans.

The prizes consist of 350 thousand pesos for first place; 235 thousand pesos for the second, and 130 thousand pesos for the third.

TYT Newsroom

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