Home NewsPeninsulaBeach Communities Good economic benefits in Progreso due to cruise ship arrival

Good economic benefits in Progreso due to cruise ship arrival

by Yucatan Times
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Tourists were observed in Progreso with the arrival of the “Carnival Valor” cruise on Tuesday, May 21st. Coming from Cozumel, the ship docked at 6:30 in the morning and departed for New Orleans at 3 p.m.

More than 4,600 people, including passengers and crew, enjoyed the city, with approximately 300 young Americans enlivening the boardwalk beach with a festive atmosphere.

The weather, with temperatures around 33 degrees and a wind chill of 38 degrees, was ideal for the occasion, inviting many to cool off in the sea during the day.

Additionally, visitors had the opportunity to participate in different recreational activities and games organized by the staff of a local restaurant at the end of the boardwalk.

TYT Newsroom

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