Home Headlines Federal government once again expropriates land in Yucatán for the Maya Train project

Federal government once again expropriates land in Yucatán for the Maya Train project

by Yucatan Times
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More than 6 hectares belonging to a property in the Chactún Ejido, in the municipality of Maxcanú, Yucatán, will be expropriated by the federal government for the construction of Maya Train infrastructure.

This is one more announcement by the Secretariat of Agrarian, Territorial, and Urban Development, which involves the state of Yucatán, and which was published in the evening edition of the Official Gazette of the Federation on Tuesday, May 21, 2024.

The Sedatu statement indicated that the total amount of compensation to the former owners amounted to 2 million pesos.

Likewise, it was announced that this property will be handed over to the majority state-owned company FONATUR Tren Maya S.A. of C.V. to allocate it to the construction of railway infrastructure works.

There have been several expropriations throughout the last semester that will be used for the Maya Train, one of the flagship projects of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

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