Energy shortages affect nearly 60 thousand businesses in Yucatán

In domestic customers it will reach 3.3%. Photo: (El Economista)

The constant power outages have generated unquantifiable economic losses for the productive sector.

The Yucatecan employers’ sector confirmed that at least five out of every ten companies in the entity are being affected by the constant power outages, a situation that generates unquantifiable economic losses for the productive sector.

According to the Directory of Economic Units (Denue) of Inegi, in 2023, Yucatán had 117 thousand economic units, so it is estimated that some 58,500 companies faced losses due to blackouts.

Last week, Canacome noted that the blackouts affected 70 percent of the businesses affiliated with that organization, and the city’s restaurant sector also faces problems due to power outages.

Now, Emilio Blanco del Villar, leader of Coparmex Mérida, acknowledged that around 50 percent of Yucatecan companies are facing interruptions in their operations due to the lack of electrical energy.

“At least 50 percent of the State’s companies have had some sort of economic problem due to lack of energy,” he indicated.

Blanco del Villar pointed out that this situation reduces the competitiveness of Yucatecan companies and those of the peninsular region, as the energy shortages represent losses to the productive units.

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