Home NewsPeninsulaBeach Communities Crocodile caught on video “enjoying” the sea in Celestún, Yucatán (Watch video)

Crocodile caught on video “enjoying” the sea in Celestún, Yucatán (Watch video)

by Yucatan Times
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A new sighting of a crocodile surprised visitors to Celestún, in Yucatán. A video of the crocodile in the Celestún Sea went viral on social media.

The images were taken by users Giovanni V. and Maom E., who were enjoying a day off on the Yucatecan beach.

Celestún is a protected natural area, so it is common to see animals and reptiles such as crocodiles in the area.

Environmental experts indicate that crocodiles are semi-aquatic animals, which usually live near bodies of fresh water, although they have also been sighted in salt water. Given the sighting this Tuesday, authorities urged visitors to take precautions and stay away from the area. This is one of several sightings of these reptiles in ports in Yucatan, most commonly in Progreso, as occurred on May 13.

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