Home NewsPeninsulaCampeche Campeche police officers have to “beg for money” on the streets

Campeche police officers have to “beg for money” on the streets

by Yucatan Times
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Around 800 state security police from Campeche went out to “beg for money” on the streets of the state capital, after almost two months of not receiving their biweekly payments.

More than 800 Campeche police officers have not received their biweekly payments or extraordinary support for two months from the Secretariat of Administration and Finance of the Government of the State of Campeche (Sefin).

They have remained in protest, since March 16, against the damage caused in the failed operation of the Social Rehabilitation Center (CERESO) of Kobén, and have not stopped demanding the dismissal of the Secretary of Citizen Protection and Security ( SPSC), Marcela Muñoz Martínez.

The conflict has been going on for 67 days, since last March 15, when Muñoz Martínez ordered the extraction of prisoners from the main Campeche prison, but the errors of the high command resulted in at least 50 injuries.

This led to the seizure of the facilities on March 16; as well as three marches of thousands of people, including opposition leaders and candidates, who have raised slogans against Governor Layda Sansores San Román for keeping the head of Security in office, and requested a vote of punishment against Morena.

TYT Newsroom

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