Home NewsCrime A woman is prosecuted for animal abuse in Yucatán: her dog died under the sun

A woman is prosecuted for animal abuse in Yucatán: her dog died under the sun

by Yucatan Times
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Nubia A.F.M. was linked to proceedings for animal abuse or cruelty after a dog died after being tied up and exposed to the sun and intense heat in Umán.

The events occurred on June 12, 2023, when the defendant allegedly left the dog, named “León,” tied up outside her home for several hours, which finally caused the animal’s death.

According to the report, the brown, mixed-breed pet was tied to a tube at the doors of the accused’s home, located in the Gran Calzada II subdivision, in Umán, without a place where it could be protected from the elements.

According to the necropsy by forensic veterinarians from the Yucatan Prosecutor’s Office, the dog’s death was due to multiple organ failure secondary to hyperthermia, that is, it became dehydrated.

It is worth mentioning that in June of last year, records were recorded for consecutive days with temperatures above 40 degrees.

The precautionary measures imposed in the previous hearing will remain in force throughout the process, therefore, the accused must wear an electronic locator, appear to sign before the Investigative Prosecutor’s Office of Umán, the prohibition of leaving the State and approaching the witnesses of the event. , in addition to being under surveillance by the corresponding authority. Finally, a period of two months was stipulated for carrying out the complementary research.

TYT Newsroom

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