Home Headlines A 9-year-old boy died inside an ambulance on the Mérida Periférico

A 9-year-old boy died inside an ambulance on the Mérida Periférico

by Yucatan Times
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A victim of some illness, a child died on the morning of Tuesday, May 21st, inside a transfer ambulance from this municipality, just under the Mérida Peripheral Ring bridge at the exit to Cancún.

At the moment it is known that the minor was accompanied by his mother and aboard the aforementioned vehicle they were heading to a hospital in the Yucatecan capital.

However, when they were on the Periférico, the driver of the unit saw that the minor was very bad, so he went to the roundabout under the bridge at the exit to Cancún, where there is an SSP base, and asked for urgent help.

Paramedics who were at that place checked the child, about 9 years old, and reported that, sadly, he no longer had vital signs.

The area was secured and the assistance of the corresponding authorities was requested for the necessary procedures.

TYT Newsroom

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