Home Headlines Terror on a Volaris flight bound for Merida

Terror on a Volaris flight bound for Merida

by Yucatan Times
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It was reported that on Friday, April 12th, a Volaris airplane performed an unusual maneuver and braked abruptly when it was about to take off from the Felipe Ángeles airport heading to Mérida, which caused panic among the passengers.

The incident occurred at approximately 5:00 p.m. on Friday, April 12th, when the plane was going more than 300 kilometers per hour with the ailerons deployed to take flight.

Unexpectedly, the pilot braked and the passengers were shaken forward by inertia with no injuries reported.

The 150 passengers on Volaris airline flight Y4 7112 got a tremendous scare during the takeoff.

According to the crew’s message, it was a measure related to “maintenance”, so the device returned to the terminal building.

Once there, the aircraft remained parked for about 10 minutes and took the runway again to begin takeoff for the second time.

The departure of the flight from Mexico City to Mérida was scheduled at 4:43 p.m. to arrive at 6:31 p.m., but after the unforeseen event it arrived in the Yucatecan capital at 7:10 p.m.

TYT Newsroom

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