Special operation carried out to guarantee the safety of families in public spaces

After the death of a teenager in Bojorquez park, in Mérida, an operation was put into action, through specialized brigades, to reinforce the safety of families in public spaces.

Municipal Public Services crews supervise the maintenance of electrical installations in public spaces, prioritizing inspection in the spaces occupied by flea markets, to identify the main irregularities.

Four brigades from the Directorate of Municipal Public Services participate in this action, which will work in two shifts; Civil Protection, Markets and Park Rangers will join in, who will carefully inspect 27 parks in various parts of the city where flea markets operate regularly.

Supervision in the spaces occupied by flea markets will allow for a diagnosis to be carried out that will be preceded by comprehensive attention and maintenance of the parks in which bad practices are detected.

The supervision work carried out by the brigades does not warrant the suspension of activities in public spaces, so families will be able to continue enjoying the parks and sports fields.

The crews carried out work in the parks of the Bojórquez and Esperanza neighborhoods, as well as in the Lindavista II subdivision, where work was carried out to reconnect lines, and repair pipes and existing electric power outlets.

In this way, the municipal government ensures and guarantees the safety of Yucatecan families through the detailed review of the electrical installations of the sports fields and other public spaces.

TYT Newsroom

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