In Mexico, there is a deficit of 70 thousand cargo truck operators, 80% of this total are drivers who decided to migrate to the United States for fear of the insecurity they face on the country’s roads.
In an interview, Héctor Romero, former president of the Mexican Association of Private Security Companies and Satellite Industry (Amesis), assured that the situation is putting the logistics chain at risk since the lack of operators is already alarming and increasingly growing.
He assured that aggressions against drivers are becoming more and more frequent, that is, criminals no longer only steal merchandise, but they kidnap, extort, beat and in many cases, murder the truck drivers, which has forced them to look for or accept work alternatives elsewhere.
Héctor Romero explained that the economic recovery after the pandemic has generated greater demand in the movement of goods, not only in Mexico but also in the United States, where the deficit of truck drivers is even greater, which is why they have sought Mexican drivers who have extensive experience.
However, the majority of those who decide to leave the country do so due to insecurity on the roads, which has grown significantly since the Policia Federal de Caminos was dissolved by Lopez Obrador, and as a consequence of the lack of an effective strategy by the federal and local governments.
He asserted that the theft of merchandise is a criminal activity diversification of the drug cartels, which is why they have sophisticated weapons, cutting-edge technology to disconnect the units’ tracking systems, as well as trucks and clandestine distribution centers to move “in a matter of hours” the goods they steal on the roads.
That is why companies are implementing intelligence strategies and using technology that allows them to avoid being victims of these criminals.
As an example, Romero said that a few months ago a shipment of tennis shoes was sent, but only with the shoe from the left foot. Once the criminals realized this, they abandoned the merchandise and it could be recovered, while the pieces from the right foot were in another unit and they arrived without problems at the scheduled destination.
TYT Newsroom