Home Business-newBusiness Mexican peso accumulates losses for the second consecutive day

Mexican peso accumulates losses for the second consecutive day

by Yucatan Times
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The Mexican peso remains in negative territory by accumulating losses for the second consecutive day, meaning that the price of the dollar today, April 25, 2024, starts at 17.31 units for each greenback; Find out here what the exchange rate is in banks in Mexico.

The Mexican currency registers a decline of 1.5% compared to Wednesday’s reference price and leads the losses among a basket of main currencies against the dollar. Shortly before, it lost 2% to 17.39 units.

The drop in the Mexican currency comes after the release of U.S. economic growth figures showing that it slowed more than expected in the first quarter, but an acceleration in inflation suggested that the Federal Reserve will not cut interest rates. interest before September.

The price of the dollar today, April 25, 2024, in Mexican banks* starts at:

BBVA Mexico – 16.39 pesos for purchase and 17.53 pesos for sale
Citibanamex – 16.53 pesos for purchase and 17.47 pesos for sale
Banco Azteca – 16.20 pesos for purchase and 17.64 pesos for sale
Banorte – 15.95 pesos for purchase and 17.35 pesos for sale
Banca Afirme – 16.10 pesos for purchase and 17.60 pesos for sale
Scotiabank – 15.10 pesos for purchase and 18.00 pesos for sale
Inbursa – 16.50 pesos for purchase and 18.00 pesos for sale

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