Expo Animalitos will take place on Sunday, April 14 at the Alemán neighborhood park
MÉRIDA, Yuc.- This Sunday, April 14, the Expo Animalitos 2024 will be held in the Alemán neighborhood park, in which there will be a free rabies vaccine and deworming for dogs and cats.
Expo Animalitos has been organized to support the valuable work carried out by rescue associations such as Cinco Patas, Amor Malix, Amor de Perro MID, Ángeles en Manada, Sanando Patitas, Patitas Felinas, Peluditos y Callejeritos, La Casa de Aidita, Patitas Bellas, La Karen de los Michis and Red Animal Yucatán.
The Animalitos Expo will take place this Sunday, April 14 from 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm in the Alemán neighborhood park.
People who come to buy an item at the bazaar will be supporting the work of these associations.

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