Experts will compose new lyrics for the Yucatán Anthem

The State Selection Commission for the Creation of the Yucatan Anthem was formally presented, which will have the task of updating the current one to the reality that the state is experiencing and including aspects of the Mayan culture since it was not mentioned in the previous one hymn, in addition to being recognized for its war-related content.

The general secretary of the government, María Fritz Sierra, explained that the project will be led by distinguished Yucatecan artists who will lead this historical, artistic, and cultural initiative in which it has been determined not to change the music of José Jacinto Cuevas, but to update the lyrics written by Manuel Palomeque Solís, with the participation of Yucatecan personalities from the artistic and literary ambit, and carry out its translation into the Maya language.

Loreto Villanueva Trujillo, Secretary of Culture and the Arts, mentioned that within this group is the researcher, Enrique Martín Briceño, the director of the Yucalpetén typical orchestra, Pedro Carlos Herrera López, the director of the Yucatán Symphony Orchestra, José Areán, among other specialists who will contribute their knowledge to establish the new lyrics of the anthem.

It was reported that the current Yucatecan anthem dates back to 1867 and was established after the defeat of Maximilian’s empire, although it lacks our state’s own contributions.

TYT Newsroom

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