Home Headlines Claudia Sheinbaum visits Merida today Tuesday, April 16th

Claudia Sheinbaum visits Merida today Tuesday, April 16th

by Yucatan Times
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Less than 50 days before the elections, the presidential candidate of the Let’s keep making history coalition, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, will visit the state of Yucatán to provide her support for Huacho Díaz Mena and promote plan C: vote on all ballots for each one and each of the candidates from MORENA, PT and PVEM.

During her visit, Dr. Sheinbum Pardo will tour municipalities of the state to invite citizens to join the second floor of the Fourth Transformation accompanied by the candidate for the governorship of Yucatán, Huacho Díaz Mena, to whom she has provided and will continue to provide all the support. support of her.

Dr. Sheinbaum will participate this Tuesday, April 16, in a private meeting with businessmen and then at 5 in the afternoon hold a meeting with the Yucatecan people in the Peace Park of Mérida, right in front of the Centenario Zoo.

On Wednesday, April 17, the candidate for the presidency of Mexico, Dr. Claudia Sheinbaum, together with the candidate for Governor Huacho Díaz Mena, will lead activities in the municipalities of Tekax, Ticul and Izamal.

TYT Newsroom

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