A group of women from Chelem, known as Las Chelemeras, participated in a mangrove reforestation day, led by a makeup company with base in Paris, France.
It is the second year that this company has carried out an environmental challenge for its employees around the world. The challenge consists that for every kilometer they run, walk, or ride a bicycle, the institution will plant a tree.
This action has been replicated in various places, and it was the port’s turn, where it seeks to preserve and recover an area of the mangrove.
The area in question is located behind the rowing and canoeing track, where Las Chelemeras have been working on their own for seven years and have made important progress.

According to data provided by Dr. Jorge Herrera, from the Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute (Cinvestav), the women have managed to open 7,500 meters of canals, plant 3,800 plants, and place 1,240 tarquinas, among other activities they carry out doing it for 15 years in this and other areas of the port.
Mrs. Keyla Vázquez, who spoke on behalf of the members of the group, indicated that with time and with the support of researchers and students from Cinvestav they have learned about the mangrove recovery process, which consists of three stages that are hydrological rehabilitation (getting water to the area to be recovered), topographic recovery (giving it the necessary level) and finally, reforestation.
He explained that the area that is being recovered today was impacted because there was a lot of sediment and debris, which prevented its growth.
In addition, the flow of water was cut off, so it ended up drying out and remaining in an almost desert state.
Jorge Herrera said that there are three types of mangrove: red, white, and black, and there is even the so-called button mangrove, which although it is not considered a mangrove, complies with the standard and is under protection. Likewise, he stated that all types of mangroves are affected when there are hydrological changes when works such as roads and harbors are built. He even stressed that the Progreso road distributor project currently interrupts the flow of water to fill the mangrove.
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