Water is abundant in Yucatan, here is the richest aquifer in the country, it is the future of the Peninsula, but we must take care of it, because it runs the risk of contamination, not only due to pig farms but there is poor management of septic tanks. and open-air dumps, it is necessary to work with technology, education, and take a lot of care of our water”, José Luis Luege Tamargo, former director of the National Water Commission, stated on Friday, March 22nd in this city.
On Friday, March 22, in celebration of “International Water Day”, and as part of the activities of the Construction Expo, Luege Tamargo offered a conference called “The global water crisis, challenges and opportunities for the Peninsula”, which explained that even in the case of the pork industry, which is important in Yucatán, the solution would bring more benefits and even income.
When elaborating on this topic in an interview he offered after his conference, he said that he generally referred to the need to care for the aquifer of this region, which is one of the main ones in the country, the richest, the future of the Peninsula and effectively with risks due to various causes such as open dumps, biodigester systems and pits, and pig farming without proper management, since all of them produce very serious pollution.
“There cannot be open drainage discharges, they have to capture everything that is manure, it has to be managed correctly, and for pig farmers it is a source of energy, there are carbon credits for farms for capturing biogas, managing waste, of course, treat the water and reuse the treated water,” he indicated.
The former federal official considered the enormous potential of the Yucatan pork industry to be very important, and it must be maintained, but all possible technology must be induced that in the end will be more useful.

“That is to say, the pig producer will not only have the utility of meat, he will be able to capture biogas and generate electrical energy that will benefit him, he will be able to generate compost to benefit land that can be sold and will ultimately reusing water, then it is a win-win, that is why my recommendation is simply, you cannot manage pig farms like 100 years ago, we have to modernize,” said the former head of Conagua.
The former federal official commented that he participates and supports the platform of the candidate “They did put resources into it and guaranteed support, and this administration unfortunately brought the investment in water infrastructure and technology to zero.”
“What I am proposing is to resume the agenda that we established, we must resume it, but now that it is the 20-50 agenda, we must support farms, the modernization of irrigation, the installation of biodigesters to preserve the environment, and the aquifer that is very important,” he commented.
Luege Tamargo mentioned that currently in the country “half of the piped water is lost in leaks, that is something inconceivable, and it can be solved and easily, but the investment is needed, and to invest you must have financing capacity and you only have that with efficiency in fare collection.” He reiterated that in Yucatan there is an immeasurable wealth of water, here we have the richest aquifer in the country, but it must be taken care of and the best way to do so would be specifically with regulations, inspection, surveillance, and education.
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