A report from the IMSS highlights the recovery of formal jobs between 2022 and 2024 in the State, after the Covid-19 pandemic.
The recovery of formal employment in Yucatán after the pandemic has been important, reports from the Mexican Social Security Institute indicate that, between 2022 and 2024, the labor recovery has been 50,476 workers registered with social security.
IMSS data report that, at the end of 2023, our State reported 436,592 insured workers. With this data, the indicator places Yucatán as the eighth entity with the greatest formal employment boost, with 30,919 jobs generated in 2022 and 19,000 557 in 2023, the figure of 25,708 jobs that were lost in 2020 with the Covid-19 pandemic was almost doubled.
Although the goals for formal employment growth in Yucatán are very favorable, it is also important to establish that informality grew by almost 2 points, increasing to approximately 765 thousand people who work without social security.
During 2023, 651,490 jobs were created in Mexico as registered by the IMSS, a figure far from the country’s annual goal of 1.2 million jobs – equivalent to 100,000 per month -; For this reason, the national Economic Traffic Light for formal job creation is red.
According to the IMSS figures, in Yucatán, annual formal labor growth was 4.7 percent, higher than the national figure, which was 3%; That is, since May 2021, there have been 33 consecutive months of growth per year, with respect to workers who have joined the social security institute.
The information indicates that, in the last 5 years, 67,052 new jobs have been generated in the State, -establishing two years of pronounced decline due to the pandemic, 2020-2021-, which is a figure higher than the national average of 60,639 workers, placing the entity among the first ten places with the highest job creation, resulting in a monthly average of 1,048 monthly jobs created.
Regarding working conditions by gender, IMSS figures indicate that, for every 100 men hired, 59.1 are women, a low figure with respect to gender parity. Establishing that, in states such as Chihuahua and Morelos, the parity percentages are up to 74 per 100.
With the same data, it is noted that Yucatán was seventh in the country in meeting the goal in job creation, reaching 94.3 percent of jobs, with respect to demand.
In this area, it is important to establish that Quintana Roo was the first, with a growth of 176% in job positions generated, primarily by the tourism and services sector. Meanwhile, Tabasco, Guerrero and Durango obtained zero% of their employment opportunity goals.
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