A terrible accident on the Mérida-Campeche leaves two people seriously injured

On Saturday, March 9th two people were injured in a rear-end collision between two vehicles, one of which ended up catching fire on the Mérida-Campeche federal highway, on the Kopomá–Maxcanú stretch.

Two people were seriously injured, for which they were hospitalized and one of the vehicles, after the crash, ended up on fire.

The incident occurred at kilometer 117 of the aforementioned stretch of road when the driver of a white Nissan cargo truck crashed into a silver Town Country-type mini van.

While the Nissan truck ended up overturning and its two occupants were injured, the Town Country began to catch fire, but its occupants managed to get out in time, and had a nervous breakdown.

SSP paramedics arrived at the site to treat the injured, as did a fire brigade unit in charge of putting out the fire.

Finally, a unit of the SSP Police took charge of flagging the area and other corresponding tasks.

TYT Newsroom

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