Rusty pillar detected in the aquifer of Section 5 of the Maya Train
The user @tiburon_pepe reported a pillar in poor condition located in Section 5 of the Mayan Train that would affect the aquifer ecosystem.
During his dive, it was observed that the concrete block dressed in a metal “shirt” was exposed after the coating rusted.
There is concern that the materials that make up the pillar have begun to leak into the aquifer, contaminating it.

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador never listened to national and international experts regarding the fact that the construction of the Tren Maya on top of the Karst type of soil in that area was absolutely not feasible. But AMLO keeps saying that those who criticize the Maya Train are doing so for political reasons.
But the reality is that this Mexican president is irresponsibly destroying the ecosystem in the area, and at some point, he will have to be held responsible for the ecological disaster he is causing due to his ignorance and stubbornness.
TYT Newsroom