Liver cirrhosis is a condition that directly affects the liver and is usually registered, mainly, in productive age; Its complications can generate irreversible consequences, in addition to putting life at risk if it is not detected in time, therefore, the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) in Yucatán provides guidance on this condition and issues some recommendations.
Dr. Lorenzo Manuel Vázquez Vidaurre, specialist in Internal Medicine, indicated that liver cirrhosis is a chronic disease that deteriorates liver functions and can be caused by multiple factors, including excessive alcohol consumption and any disease that produces inflammation. of the liver.
“Cirrhosis is, specifically, a cellular alteration of the liver, in which normal tissue is replaced by fibrous tissue. The disease has no cure and no way to return this gland to its normal functioning. Its main causes are: alcoholism and any other chronic liver disease derived from the hepatitis C virus. Likewise, it can cause the appearance of liver failure in those who suffer from it,” indicated the specialist.
At the IMSS in Yucatán there are specialists and various treatments depending on the current status of each patient, since when the disease is in a very advanced state, liver transplant can also be considered as a treatment option.
In the early stages, symptoms may not occur or may appear slowly: Extreme tiredness, loss of appetite and therefore weight, nausea, abdominal pain; urine darkens while feces become whitish; The most obvious sign is the yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice) of the patient. In some cases, fluid accumulation is also detected in the legs and abdomen; bleeding in the gums and nose.
“It is important that those who register any of the above symptoms go to their doctor, since timely intervention allows measures to be implemented with more positive results. On the other hand, all people, even if they do not have symptoms or health complications, are also encouraged to attend, at least once a year, for a preventive medical check-up in order to strengthen their health. The IMSS has PrevenIMSS modules in the UMF where they can go directly, from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., to request their preventive evaluations in addition to hepatitis C tests,” said the specialist. in Internal Medicine.
It should be noted that medical follow-up of liver cirrhosis focuses mainly on addressing the underlying cause of the disease and preventing or managing complications.
Some recommendations that can help prevent the progression of the disease, but that do not replace the follow-up of a specialist, are:
• Avoid drinking alcohol.
• Maintain a healthy diet low in salt, fat and carbohydrates.
• Have vaccines against influenza, hepatitis A and B, and pneumococcus pneumonia; They also help avoid complications.
• Do not suspend or modify your medical treatments without specialist supervision.
• Stay well hydrated.
Finally, IMSS Yucatán reiterates that timely treatment of liver cirrhosis is crucial as it prevents the progression of the disease and reduces the risk of serious complications.
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