Home NewsInternational The AMLO administration has granted 50 thousand humanitarian visas to Cuban nationals

The AMLO administration has granted 50 thousand humanitarian visas to Cuban nationals

by Yucatan Times
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In the last two years, a total of 9,548 Cubans obtained a temporary resident card in Mexico.

The vast majority of Cubans who try to reach the United States do so through routes that, after crossing various countries of the American continent, culminate at the northern border of Mexico.

Almost 50 thousand of these Cuban nationals received humanitarian visas in our country in 2022 and 2023, according to data from the Ministry of the Interior ( Segob ).

The massive flow of the last two years has been met with a tightening of the policy of admission of Cubans to the United States, which has forced many of them to remain in Mexico, waiting for an appointment to begin the process of applying for asylum or as a second final destination option.

Of the 65,820 Cuban migrants detained in the country in 2022 and 2023, just over half (33,695) were issued “exit documents”, which formally require them to leave the national territory, but in practice They allow them to follow the path to the northern border.

On the other hand, in the last two years a total of 9,548 Cubans obtained a temporary resident card in Mexico, which allows them to remain in the country for up to four years, leave the national territory, and work for remuneration.

More than half, 5,282, of the Cubans who obtained it in the period, did so in family reunification procedures and more than a third, 3,579, did so in Quintana Roo.

TYT Newsroom

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