From January 5 to 24, the Mérida City Council will feature local, national and international talent at the Mérida Fest 2024, with free activities for the family to enjoy.
This Friday, prior to the traditional Alborada, the chroniclers of the City, Gonzalo Navarrete Muñoz and Jorge Alvarez Rendón, in the company of María Teresa Mézquita Mérida, will participate in a talk about the foundation, layout, colony, beautiful era and contemporary of Mérida, accompanied by poems, in the Video Room of the Olimpo Cultural Center.
On the same day, there will be three presentations with the trio Los Embajadores (8:30 p.m.), Javier Alcalá and Trío Trovanova (10:00 p.m.), in Santa Lucía, and Los Juglares (10:00 p.m.), the latter on stage on the ground floor of the Municipal Palace.
Alley Walks
The traditional callejoneada through Mérida will start at 11:00 p.m., with the participation of more than 120 troubadours from Mérida, 20 members of the Mérida City Council’s Titular Folklore Ballet and authorities, carrying candles and flowers, leaving the Parque de Santa Lucía to the stage from the Plaza Grande, where the troubadours will sing songs to the City.
From the “Guty Cárdenas” association you will hear “In your eyes” and “Manos de armiño”, from the “Pastor Cervera” the songs “Peregrina” and “Acuarela Mérida”; The troubadours of the “Armando Manzanero” will perform “Ciudad Blanca” and “Meridanita” and the “Pepe Domínguez” will conclude with “Mérida” and “A Yucatán”. Shortly before midnight the traditional mañanitas will be sung and there will be a pyromusical show.
Mass for the 482nd anniversary of the City
On Saturday the 6th, the traditional Mass for the 482nd anniversary of the City is planned, in the Cathedral of San Ildelfonso, at 8 in the morning. The Mérida Chamber Orchestra, the City Choir and members of the Cathedral Choir will participate with liturgical songs and music.
That same day, the sculpture “Espiga” by Melva Medina will be unveiled, which will be added to the works exhibited in the patio of the Olimpo Cultural Center for the enjoyment of the arts. The piece was created with the idea of representing the symbol of a woman in a synthetic way, as a manager of life and a container of light, capable of housing the seed in her womb, and, as in all her works, Melva integrates forms that refer to elements of our culture.
Guest speaker, Fidencio Briceño Chel
Also on Saturday, the Solemn Council Session will be held, in which the Doctor in Anthropological Linguistics Fidencio Briceño Chel will participate as a guest speaker.
The first children’s activity of the Mérida Fest will be the literary workshop “In a sailing boat”, with the Mexican storyteller Vanessa Alanis, at the Fernando Castro Pacheco Cultural Center.
Music will be present with the “Tribute to lies”, by Eme Producciones, a journey through hits from the 80’s, and the inaugural concert “Manzanero and friends”, which will bring together the voices of great artists such as Edgar Oceransky, David Cavazos, Francisco Céspedes, Tania Libertad, as well as Gina Osorno and Los Juglares, under the artistic direction of Juan Pablo Manzanero, this last concert in the Plaza Grande, singing songs by the great Armando Manzanero.
On Sunday the 7th, “El coro de los aluxes” arrives, from the Company. Coralliters. Puppets that Sing, Production premiere of the Mérida Fest call. The work presents six aluxes who, between trova music and jokes, tell us anecdotes about Mérida.
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