Cold fronts affect the Fishing Industry in Yucatán

Puerto Progreso, Yucatan. Photo:

The president of the Mexican Confederation of Fishing Cooperative Societies of Mexico, José Luis Carrillo Galáz declared that the cold fronts continue to paralyze activities at sea, economically affecting coastal fishermen who still do not go out to work due to bad weather.

Carrillo Galáz recalled that the capture of grouper that began on April 1, 2023, concludes on January 31 and the quota of 6 thousand tons will not be reached, and with this it has not been achieved for three years in a row. a catch of more than 6 thousand tons of this species.

He stated that unfortunately it has already been seen that the two-month ban on grouper does not help to improve the capture of the species, before the ban was only one month, but poaching continues to be a determining factor that affects this important fishery. on which more than 12 thousand riverside fishermen depend.

He mentioned that the price per kilo of Negrillo is 280 pesos, and 230 pesos per kilo of Rojillo, both very excellent prices for the social and industrial sector, but unfortunately, there is a shortage of that resource and this is already happening every year because less is caught. biomass than many years ago.

Finally, Carrillo Galáz stressed that they would end the capture of the grouper with around 5 thousand tons, the species is exported mainly to the United States and 90 percent, and 10 percent in the national market; while the scale species are what is most consumed in the local market, especially during Lent and Holy Week.

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