Alcoholism gains ground among women in Playa del Carmen (AA)

Uncontrolled consumption of alcohol - alcoholizm disease

In Playa del Carmen, the incidence of alcohol consumption among women is beginning to be detected, which could reach consumption by men if it is not stopped in time.

Melchor N., from the Alcoholics Anonymous services, announced that the problem of alcoholism among women is significantly harming our society.

According to the Mexican Social Security Institute,  alcoholism is not a vice, it is a disease that attacks any person regardless of sex, age or social class.

Melchor stated, without giving more details, that alcoholism is a disease that is gaining ground among women, to such an extent that it has become a public health issue in many Mexican cities, and Playa del Carmen is not the exception.

In the coming days, according to Melchor, many people who are part of the AA group will be in squares and public places around this destination preaching the teachings of Bill W. (creator of AA).

The group has been in Playa del Carmen for more than two decades, one of the points in all the state of Quintana Roo where the highest incidence of alcoholism has been registered. 

Finally, Melchor N. declared that this terrible disease has led some people in Playa del Carmen to commit suicide.

TYT Newsroom

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