The XXXVII edition of the Orange Fair is approaching its end with stellar activities such as the presentation of the Tierra Sagrada band, Diego Herrera, the comedians Dzereco and Nohoch, Expo Tuning and a free dance enlivened by Hick.
OXKUTZCAB, Yucatán.- The final stretch begins this Friday, December 15th, at the Teatro del Pueblo the “Pinocchio Musical” will be presented, the Jaranera del Mayab orchestra and the Youth Folkloric Ballet, Ballet Jessy Ball, the Mayan language rapper Yaalen k’uj, Damian Medina, group Buganvilia, Dzereco and Nohoch.
Starting at 6:00 in the afternoon, a disc jockey (DJS) festival will be presented at the Julio Matos Fuentes field.

On Saturday, December 16th, the Sweetest Orange contest will be held at the Teatro del Pueblo, with the participation of Pierre David; A dance with the Tierra Sagrada band will take place on the Julio Matos field.
On Sunday, December 17th, the last day of the fair, the activities will begin with a parade led by Diego Herrera and Mayor Juan José Martín Fragoso, which will start at 10 in the morning, in the livestock area; At 4 in the afternoon, Diego Herrera will perform in concert and his equestrian show.
Starting at 2:00 p.m., the modified cars are presented at the Second Expo Tuning Volk&SLP 2023, where you can admire restored cars, as well as the car audio competition, large-displacement motorcycles, truck exhibition 4 x 4, exhibition of Tuning Cars and classic Vochitos.

During the Tuning Expo, there will be children’s areas, a live rock band, a sale of automotive parts, a sale of food, a selfie area, a hostess show, go-karts, and much more.
At night at the Teatro del Pueblo there will be a presentation by Tila María Sesto, in the Julio Matos field, to end with the free dance by Paleto and Disco Kermith.
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