In recent weeks, the city of Progreso has become the scene of multiple regrettable cases of animal abuse, which have become public knowledge thanks to their exposure through social networks.
The dogs and cats of this municipality are suffering the most from this social scourge that people of the community are not indifferent about. They have repeatedly asked the authorities to stop this type of aggression, but sometimes there are favorable results for those affected.
In this city, the first responders in case of violence against animals are the Municipal Police, which channels the case to the Directorate of the Ecological Police. However, the function of this agency is merely to assist, since they are not empowered to punish the aggressors.
The director of this agency, Obdulio Mena Sánchez, announced that when this type of case occurs they can take care of the animal that is injured, providing veterinary care and verifying its subsequent care, and for pet owners, they provide guidance and accompaniment by inviting them to make their complaint to the State Attorney General’s Office, which in Mérida has an office specialized in animal abuse.
On the other hand, the activist in favor of animals, Wendy Brito, regretted the existence of this type of violence since she considers that animals, whether dogs, cats, or any other species, are beings that feel, suffer, and do not deserve to suffer at the hands of human beings.
The activist pointed out that it is not surprising that there are cases of animal abuse, which do attract attention because they are known on social media and cause a lot of impact, especially in the case of animals that are tortured, attacked with knives, or, even eaten, among others. The reality is that these types of situations have always existed and there are many more than we can find out about on social networks.

“We must keep in mind that animal abuse is not only when they are killed or beaten, but also when you have your pets tied up outdoors, in the cold, the sun, or when they do not live in decent conditions, that you do not have assistance medical or their vaccines,” she said.
Wendy Brito has seen several cases of abuse, one of the worst when a dog was impaled by men, who put a PVC pipe into her. This caused the dog to have to be put to sleep due to the severe internal damage they caused.
In this sense, he regretted that, although he has done everything possible to follow up on these complaints, the State Prosecutor’s Office in Progreso has flatly told him that they cannot pay attention to him because they do not have time to deal with this type of situation. Well, there are more important things to do. Given the above, he invited citizens not to be afraid and to report.
What they regret is that in the absence of complaints and subsequent punishments, people who mistreat animals continue doing their thing with impunity and fear that at some point they could do the same to people, starting with the most vulnerable as they did. They are children, older adults, and people with disabilities who could be victims of beatings, homicides, and even sexual violence since he recalled that in Progreso there have also been reported cases of animals, mainly females, that have been sexually abused.
Although it is a very difficult job, he considered, society can provide a solution to this problem by being responsible people and carrying out actions such as: adopting, not abandoning, not buying, sterilizing, and, above all, raising awareness among new generations of the importance of well-being. of animals, especially our pets, making them see that having an animal, for example, a dog, is a commitment that ranges from 15 to 22 years of age.
Finally, when asked how many cases there could be during a year, he indicated that it is very difficult to quantify, since on occasions he has dealt with up to 10 cases a day, from dogs run over, tied, hurt with machetes, beaten, abandoned, and even poisoned. or from owners who have received death threats towards their pets because they bark a lot or escape and enter other properties, among other situations.
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