“Va y Ven” Circuito Rojo begins operations in southern Merida

This Saturday, November 4h, the Red Circuit route of the “Va y Ven” public transportation service officially kicked off, becoming the first route in the southeast of the city of Mérida to be incorporated into the modern system.

The route has 22 new units, offering citizens faster transfers and frequencies, greater connectivity, and savings within the Yucatecan society.

It should be noted that from November 4 to 12 the service will be free, and as with the other routes, it has social rates all year round, even on holidays for students, seniors and at no cost for people with disabilities, in addition to that free and discounted transfers can be made, thus achieving a connected and efficient public transportation network.

This route serves 75 neighborhoods per route, a population of up to 77,819 people, and a total of 25,696 homes, and will pass through 113 schools and connect with 68 bus routes, in addition to having a frequency of 7 minutes and a route length of 36.90 kilometers.

To process the Va y Ven social rate card, a traveling module was installed in the Pedregales de Circuito park, which is open from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., where students can go with their current study certificate. with the signature and seal of the school, INE, or CURP in case you do not have official identification and proof of address.

Older adults who want to carry out the procedure only need to bring their INE or official identification and proof of residence; and for people with disabilities, the above plus their CREE credential or certificate.

This route will benefit more than 20 thousand people who reside in blocks with a medium or higher level of social backwardness. It will have a schedule from Monday to Sunday from 5:00 a.m. to 11:40 p.m. and a route that covers Pacabtún, Kukulcán, and Aviación.

The 22 units are inclusive and environmentally friendly; They have bike racks and smart card payment; They are universally accessible, with a low and tactile floor, a ramp for wheelchairs, signage in Braille, and both seats and preferential spaces for people with disabilities, older adults and short stature.

In addition, the new buses have LED illuminated advertisements, which indicate the name of the route; USB chargers; GPS equipment for tracking with the application; security cameras, and electronic collection equipment, which will prevent the driver from being distracted, speed up trips and help plan expenses.

So far, 241 units have been incorporated into the “Va y Ven” Public Transportation System, which represents 37 percent of a total of 650 units that will be incorporated into this system.

The routes that have been added to this system are Periférico, Aeropuerto, Metropolitano, Américas, Komchén, Pensiones, Francisco de Montejo and Chuburná, Poniente and Plazas, Ciudad Caucel, Umán and now Circuito Rojo.

TYT Newsroom

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