New areas of the Uxmal archaeological site will open to the public


The Yucatan Tourism Business Council (Cetur) will hold its third forum on Friday, November 17, with the theme “El Puuc and tourism in times of the Mayan Train”, with the purpose of highlighting the new archaeological treasures of Uxmal and the tourist infrastructure in this region from the south of the State.

Beforehand, archaeologist José Huchim Herrera, director of the Uxmal archaeological zone, revealed that that the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) will open to the public two new sections that are part of the research, rescue and restoration they carried out. INAH experts for several years.

With these new attractive sections for tourism and the start of operations of the Mayan Train, the Uxmal area will take a tremendous leap in terms of the influx of visitors because, according to the archaeologist, it would go from 350,000 to one million a year in the future. nearby.

Benefits for the Puuc Route

At a press conference at the El Conquistador hotel, the president of Cetur, Jorge Carrillo Sáenz, organizer and promoter of the tourism forums, stated that the intention of these events is to promote the actions carried out by the INAH in favor of Yucatecan tourism and in this On this occasion, they chose Uxmal to be the headquarters because it will inaugurate two sections and it is important that society knows these attractions and the benefits they will generate to the area known as Ruta Puuc.

The forum will be this Friday the 17th, at 11 in the morning, in the archaeological zone of Uxmal, with the participation of the general director of the INAH, Diego Prieto Hernández; the archaeologist José Huchim, director of Uxmal; the former Secretary of Tourism, former president of Cetur and Canacome, and the hotel businessman Jorge Torre Loría; and teacher Minneth Medina García, representative of the Puuc Intermunicipal Biocultural Board.

Puuc Code, Uxmal Yucatan, Mexico.

Strong boost to Uxmal treasures

Jorge Carrillo Sáenz, president of Cetur, will moderate the panel, which will have tourism students or related careers from universities and technology students in the south of the state as guests and will be broadcast live on Facebook live from the Cetur Yucatán account.

“This forum will have the point of view of the federal government, the tourism business sector, archaeologists and the communities around Uxmal,” said Carrillo Sáenz, who offered transportation for the reporters leaving at 8:30 p.m. morning from the El Conquistador hotel, which is his property.

Archaeologist José Huchim Herrera, director of the archaeological zone of Uxmal, highlighted that the opening of the areas known as El Palomar, which is a beautiful quadrangle, and Parque Hundido, with an altar and palace-type buildings where the ruling elite lived, They are a set of pyramids and buildings from the Mayan civilization of the late classical era.

“The areas that will be open to the public are Plaza El Palomar, which is a basement that is about 70 meters long and 40 meters wide, and Parque Hundido, which is of the same proportion,” explained the archaeologist.

“These spaces will open to the public this Friday. We are sure that we will have a different reading due to the architecture it has and the elements that are not common. The architecture of the round structure is unusual for the late classical era. “Visitors will have a different reading of the site and require more time for the visit.”

Governor’s Palace, Uxmal Yucatan. Photo INAH


Archaeologist Huchim Herrera also highlighted the return of local visitors to Uxmal and with this the Yucatecans recover their identity and break the myth that archaeological zones are only for Americans. Local people on the Puuc route do not pay the INAH fee, which is $90 per person.

As part of the forum, the eight municipalities that make up the Puuc Intermunicipal Biocultural Board will exhibit products manufactured by the artisans of that Mayan area and will manage spaces in the tourist inns of the archaeological zones of Uxmal and Yucatán before the INAH so that they can sell their products. women who are dedicated to beekeeping and the production of by-products derived from honey and wax from the Melipona and apis melifera bees.

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