Home Headlines Fatal accident on the Mérida-Tizimín federal highway

Fatal accident on the Mérida-Tizimín federal highway

by Yucatan Times
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A terrible death occurred to a motorcyclist of just 25 years old named Francisco “N” who was driving with his partner on the Mérida-Tizimín federal highway at kilometer 151, after losing control and being hit by a unidentified vehicle.

The accident happened around 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, November 1, when the driver of a Harley Davidson motorcycle that broke down was being towed by another motorcyclist friend named Kevin.

When both were riding along the Sucilá-Tizimín section, one being towed by the other, Francisco lost control of his motorcycle and accidentally ended up invading the lane in the opposite direction. At that moment, an unknown vehicle was crossing, which hit him violently, causing him to lose his life almost instantly.

Francisco’s body ended up being dragged for several meters until his friend managed to realize what had happened and stopped his motorcycle. Paramedics from the Ministry of Public Security arrived at the scene to confirm that Francisco had died.

TYT Newsroom

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