Home NewsPeninsulaMerida Eight Cuban defectors in a makeshift raft were rescued by Yucatecan fishermen

Eight Cuban defectors in a makeshift raft were rescued by Yucatecan fishermen

by Yucatan Times
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An event that seems to be taken from a tragic movie occurred in the sea that surrounds Progreso when fishermen from a pulp vessel sighted a raft with fishermen at serious risk of succumbing to the intense temperatures and the vulnerability of the raft in which they were found. traveling several miles.

It was around one in the afternoon when the report and call for help was received from the boat “Rosa del Carmen”, owned by Mr. Daniel U, to report the finding of a rustic makeshift raft adrift with eight people from Cuba, on board, seven men and one woman.

The message reached the “Valdez” radio communication base, which informed the authorities to undertake a rescue operation. The alerts were sent mainly to the Secretary of the Navy through the XIII Naval Zone based in Yucalpetén, which usually has coordination with the National Migration Institute.

Part of the information that could be obtained about the case is that the rafters who were found had left the island of Cuba for at least 15 days looking for the “American dream.” The skipper of this ship was identified as Víctor Carrillo.

It stands out that the six males and the pair of females, after receiving hydration, were one hundred percent rehabilitated, so there was no need to undertake an urgent transfer to the health center with expanded services in the west of the city.

The arrival of the foreigners along with the relevant authorities at the port of Progreso took place in the following hours, in order to carry out the corresponding process. 

TYT Newsroom


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