Solar Eclipse in Yucatán: Five recommendations to witness the astronomical phenomenon

This Saturday, October 14th, the Yucatán Peninsula will witness the annular solar eclipse, which can be observed from all three states.

The solar eclipse will be visible in all states, but some states will have better visibility of the phenomenon. In the region, Campeche is where the eclipse can be best observed, compared to Yucatán and Quintana Roo.

The phenomenon will begin as a partial eclipse at 9:45 in the morning and will end at 13:08 hours. The annular eclipse will begin at 11:22 in the morning, reach its maximum point at 11:24, and conclude at 11:26 hours.

Due to the potential harm the solar eclipse can cause to people, primarily their eyesight, several recommendations have been issued to consider.


  1. Do not use sunglasses or dark glass to view the image of the Sun, as well as aluminum foil, water, or CDs. Only look at the projected image of the Sun.
  2. Do not look directly at the Sun, as it can damage the retina in a short amount of time.
  3. Observe the eclipse with welding filters of grade number 14.
  4. To appreciate it, do not use sunglasses, binoculars, cameras, smoked glass, polarized filters, telescopes, or exposed color films.
  5. Even with safe instruments, do not look for more than 30 seconds.”

TYT Newsroom

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