“El Pasaje Revolución” is a historical and cultural corridor in the heart of Mérida, the capital of Yucatán.
It is located between the Cathedral and the MACAY (Museum of Contemporary Art of Yucatán), and it showcases various artistic expressions and events throughout the year. The passage was originally part of the Archbishop’s Palace, but it was separated from the Cathedral by a street that was opened in the 19th century.
The passage was named after the Mexican Revolution, and it was roofed with iron and glass in a French style, but the structure collapsed in the 1940s. In 2001, the passage was restored and given to the MACAY Foundation to create a sculptural forum. In 2011, the passage received a new roof that resembled the original one, and it became a more attractive and modern space for pedestrians and visitors.
Some of the exhibitions that have taken place in the passage are “The Interaction of Bodies in Space” by Pedro Cervantes, “The Path of Umbrellas” by various artists, and “The Path of Flowers” by local florists. “El Pasaje Revolución” is a place where art, history, and culture converge in Mérida.
And on Wednesday, October 25, accompanied by Alicia Patrón Correa, councilor president of the Culture and Entertainment Commission; Luis Roche Correa, president of the Board of Trustees for the Preservation of the Historic Center of the City of Mérida Yucatán AC; Rafael Pérez y Pérez, director of the Ateneo de Yucatán Museum of Contemporary Art (MACAY); and the directors José Collado Soberanis, of Municipal Public Services and Irving Berlin Villafaña, of Culture; the Mérida Mayor Renán Barrera Concha stated the following: “With a majestic ornament involving 30 thousand plants, flowers, and foliage, Mérida pays tribute to those who went ahead of us on the path of this life.”
In this framework, the Municipal President recalled that on January 6th, this year, the rescue work of the Pasaje de la Revolución was completed with an investment of 18 million 216 thousand 648.49 pesos. The rehabilitation works included:
- Basic structures rehabilitation
- Installation of 272 lights with energy-saving technology.
- LED energy technology installed
- Repairing of arches, windows, columns, and metal structures.