Home Headlines National protest threatened by workers of the Judicial Power over cutbacks

National protest threatened by workers of the Judicial Power over cutbacks

by Yucatan Times
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In view of the advance in the Lower House of Congress of the reform to the Judicial Power to cut 15 billion pesos from 13 of its 14 trusts, employees of the Union of Workers of the Judicial Power of the Federation are analyzing a demonstration in the country.

The Secretary General of the Union of Workers of the Judiciary of the Federation (STPJF), Jesus Gilberto Gonzalez, informed that yesterday they held a meeting with the 67 sections of the workers of the Judiciary to study the actions they will take.

The workers’ leader expressed that there is an offer to hold an Open Parliament on the issue next October 24. “We are thinking whether we will demonstrate throughout the Republic or wait for an Open Parliament,” he indicated.

Morena’s initiative, with the support of PT and Verde Ecologista, proposes to remove supplementary pensions to at least 600 former workers of courts, tribunals and the Supreme Court of Justice.

The opinion of the coordinator of the Morena deputies, Ignacio Mier Velazco, proposes to transfer the resources to the Treasury of the Federation and was expected to be discussed next week.

The ruling contemplates the elimination of 13 of the 14 funds and trusts of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) and the Federal Judiciary Council.

They take to the streets in the states

Workers of the Federal Judiciary held demonstrations in states such as Veracruz, Oaxaca and Zacatecas, to protest against the initiative that seeks the disappearance of 13 of 14 trusts.

In Xalapa, Veracruz, the demonstrators assured that, if the deputies approve this initiative, it will have an impact on some benefits to which they are entitled.

They explained that, contrary to what is being said, they do not have high salaries or privileges.

The non-conformists work as study and account secretaries, table secretaries and in the courtroom and administrative areas.

Meanwhile, in the capital of Oaxaca, members of Section 29 of the Union of Workers of the Federal Judiciary (STPJF) mobilized, as they claim that the trusts “are part of their benefits as a working class”.

Benito López San Germán, secretary general of the union, demanded the legislators “not to vote lightly”.

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