Home Business-newBusiness Mexicans will be able to participate in a free course to learn about stock market investing on October 11th

Mexicans will be able to participate in a free course to learn about stock market investing on October 11th

by Yucatan Times
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Learn how to invest your money in the Mexican Stock Market.

If you want to learn about investing in the stock market, we have a very interesting proposal for the coming weeks: a completely free online course in partnership with the European broker XTB, which has already trained over 30,000 investors in Latin America.

Attendees will be able to witness all the content delivered live by XTB’s experts, ask questions, and have their doubts resolved.

Attending this trading seminar is completely free, and registration takes only seconds.

XTB’s seminars are designed to ensure that attendees enjoy learning. The course will be a mix of entertainment and learning, as attendees will see firsthand how and when to invest, how to manage investment risks, how investor psychology works, how to limit potential losses and optimize profits, how to work with various financial products, and even learn about the most common mistakes made by novice investors.

Moreover, everything learned can be put into practice in real-time through a free stock market simulator, where attendees can make investments with fictitious capital and zero risk.

And who attends these events? The attendees themselves answer the question: “All kinds of people who love finance and have an insatiable thirst for learning and acquiring more financial knowledge.” One of the main advantages of this course is that no prior knowledge is required.

The stock market courses are scheduled for October 11th and will be conducted online.

Registration is open on this page and is progressing quickly. To sign up, you only need to fill out the form with real information and a strong desire to learn.

Due to high demand, access to the course will be available only to the fastest readers.

TYT Newsroom

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