Home Business-newBusiness Mauricio Vila was in talks with the Singapore Business Federation

Mauricio Vila was in talks with the Singapore Business Federation

by Yucatan Times
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Among other topics addressed was microchip manufacturing in Yucatan

SINGAPORE, Yucatan, October 18, 2023.- Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal continues his trade mission in Singapore, in which during the second day of work, he met with the president of the most important business confederation of that country, Singapore Business Federation (SBF), Lim Ming Yanel, to promote the competitive advantages offered by Yucatan, putting the state in the eyes of the Asian country as an ideal place for new investments, especially in the manufacturing sector, which generate more and better jobs for Yucatecan families.

At the meeting, which was also attended by the executive director of Global Division 1, Kelvin Kee, and the president of the SBF Latin America Group, Prasoon Murkherjee, the Governor and a delegation of Yucatecan businessmen shared experiences in commercial and industrial matters and explored the possibilities for Yucatecan firms to enter the Asian market.

The Singapore Business Federation is the most important business group in Singapore. It represents more than 27,000 companies and chambers of commerce, both local and foreign, with the objective of increasing industrial, trade and investment relations between Singapore and foreign partners.

Likewise, the Governor led a working meeting between Yucatecan and Singaporean businessmen, where they talked about the many things the state has to offer to establish themselves and do business, highlighting the opportunities that exist in the textile manufacturing sector and exposing the possibility of producing in Yucatan for the U.S. and Asian markets. 

Other topics addressed were microchip manufacturing, in which the options offered by our state to be included in the automotive sector’s production chains were analyzed; as well as the exploitation of the fishing sector through the export of seafood products to Singapore.

In this framework, Vila Dosal, together with the head of the Ministry of Economic Development and Labor (Sefoet), Ernesto Herrera Novelo, presented the competitive advantages of the state, such as the port infrastructure, which is being strengthened with the Expansion and Modernization of the Port of Progreso.

The event was attended by businessmen such as Benjamin Wong, Director of Strategy and Policy of MPA; Ho Choon Hou, founder of an investment fund and co-founder of companies in the health sector; Govind Karunkaran, CEO of Grupo Kaybee, a textile company with presence in Mexico; Kenneth Goi, CEO GSH Corporation and director of Acelink; Suresh Divyanathan, partner and head of the commercial practice of the prestigious law firm Oon and Bazul; Simon Lim, Managing Director SPETA (Singapore Precision Engineering and Technology Association); and Semin HO, CEO Singapore Fashion Council (SFC).

During the day, the Governor visited the National University of Singapore (NUS) and the National University Hospital (NUH), with the aim of having an approach to digitalization and best practices in the health service.

In the company of Chong Yap Seng, rector of the “Yong Loo” School of Medicine, leader in Asia, Vila Dosal noted the progress that has been made in the area of digitalization, as well as the implementation of new technologies to make the healthcare system more efficient.

In this context, the authorities of the university presented to the Governor a pilot project they are developing to monitor the cardiac health of 3,000 people for a period of 5 years, in order to prevent heart attacks or heart disease to help lower the mortality rate for this type of ailment.

It is the number one university in Asia and the 11th in the world, with an enrollment of more than 32,000 students in 16 faculties and schools. It was part of the improvement of the healthcare system through the use of technology. The National University Hospital was the first state-owned private hospital.

Afterwards, Vila Dosal visited the City Gallery of Singapore’s Center for Liveable Cities, where he learned about the best practices and the development of urban solutions that this country has promoted since its independence in 1965 and that now contribute to meet emerging challenges.

Accompanied by Colin Lauw, deputy director of the Singapore City Gallery Strategic Communications & Outreach Corporate Development Group, the Governor toured this Center and the Ministry of Sustainability and Environment, which was designed to expose international leaders to what has been done in this area, so they can have a useful guide to build sustainable and livable cities.

During his visit, Vila Dosal learned about what is being done there, which consists of four main areas: forward-looking research on persistent and emerging urban challenges; training for a deep and broad understanding of the Singapore model for urban governance; knowledge dissemination and leadership; and providing advisory services on urban and infrastructure planning, development and management to developing cities.

Continuing with his agenda for the day, the Governor visited Singapore’s Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*Star), which drives mission-driven research that promotes scientific discovery and technological innovation as part of an approach to fostering and developing talent and leaders in research and industry, with the goal of generating economic growth and jobs.

There, he met with the Deputy Executive Director of Research and Talent Development of this Agency, NG Huck Hui, who informed him that the purpose is to seek excellence through strategic alliances, in order to achieve the goal of bridging the gap between academia, the public sector and industry in terms of research and development to achieve significant and impactful results. Vila Dosal was able to learn more about Singapore’s aerospace program, which works in research units to drive innovation and collaboration among industry leaders with partners such as Thales, Honeywell, Boeing and Bombardier; as well as Singapore’s pharmaceutical scheme, with GSK, Pfizer, MSD, Syngenta, Accenture, among others.

TYT Newsroom

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