With activities to promote reading, Merida will be part of the Librobus tour through the southeast of the country. It is an expandable truck that transforms into a bookstore, with capacity to receive groups of 10 people, who will have access to the four thousand copies it houses.
With these activities, the Mérida City Hall, headed by Mayor Renán Barrera Concha, adds to the promotion of reading and cultural initiatives that enrich the integral development of children, young people and adults, and fosters a culture of peace.
According to a press release, the Reading Promotion Tour began on September 18 and will end on October 20, taking its literary cargo through southeastern Mexico. The Librobús will travel to 13 locations in Tabasco, such as Villahermosa, Centla and Macuspana; 11 in Campeche, including Xpujil, Escárcega and Calkiní; 11 in Quintana Roo, including Bacalar, Tulum and Cozumel, among others, and 5 in Yucatán, such as Mérida, Kanasín and Panabá.
The collection offered by the Librobús includes literature for children and young people, both from Fondo de Cultura Económica (FCE) and Educal, who promote the activity, as well as from other public and private publishing houses.
The tour seeks to encourage the creation of reading communities and to promote, together with educational institutions and groups, cultural activities around the presence of the Librobús.
In Mérida the Librobús will make its first stop on Wednesday, October 11. The first site will be the Plaza Grande, near the Palacio Municipal and will have three activities.
At 10:00 am, the “Lunas Kamishibaias”, children’s storytelling with kamishibai, organized by the Luna Cuentacuentera Reading Rooms.
One hour later, “Cuentos y señas”, learning Mexican sign language and story readings, organized by ¿Te lo cuento otra vez?
At 12:00 noon, “Charla de mitos y magia”, oral narration by Vicente Aldrete, organized by Fondo de Cultura Económica, lasting one hour.
Starting at 5:00 p.m., the Librobús will be installed on 20th Street, corner of Colón Avenue, a few steps from the José Marti Cultural Center, and will begin with storytelling with scenic objects, “La vida buena” (The Good Life), organized by the Center for Art, Culture and Gastronomy.
At 6:00 p.m., “Leojemar”, a narration of the story of “the owl and the mouse” with interactive activities with the audience, and “Three stories to find peace”, in which questions about peace, calm and conflict will be generated. The activities are in charge of the Mtro. Roldán Peniche and Zool-Scheherezade Reading Rooms, respectively.
At 7:00 p.m., “Making Noise on the Farm”, crafts and story reading from the Aprende Reading Room, and oral narration of myths and legends with Vicente Aldrete, from the FCE.
The last activity will begin at 8:00 p.m. and will be “A story with music”, singing and narration of songs with Jorge Angulo, from the Ricardo López Méndez Reading Room.
According to the calendar of activities, the Librobús is scheduled to make its next stops in October on Thursday, October 12 in Kanasín, Friday, October 13 and Saturday, October 14 in Panabá, and Sunday, October 15 and Monday, October 16 in Tekax.
All events are free and open to the whole family.
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