Home LifestyleArt and Culture “Feria de las Calacas” at Cenart CDMX: dates and schedules

“Feria de las Calacas” at Cenart CDMX: dates and schedules

by Yucatan Times
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The Day of the Dead is just around the corner. From the spongy pan de muerto to the beautiful cempasúchil flowers that adorn the most elaborate altars, the festivities that remember those who are no longer here are an essential part of Mexican culture.

The XXIII Feria de las Calacas is one of the festivals that will take place in Mexico City and you can enjoy it for free. It will be held at the Centro Nacional de las Artes (Cenart) and is for all ages.

If you live in the area or if you have never been to this cultural space, here are the dates and times to attend this colorful event.

Day of the Dead in CDMX: parade, ofrenda, catrinas, and everything you can not miss

When and at what time will it take place?

The XXIII edition of the Feria de las Calacas will take place, as usual, on three different stages at Cenart:

  • Green areas
  • Plaza de las Artes
  • Raúl Flores Canelo Theater

It will take place on Wednesday, November 1, and Thursday, November 2; the invitation is addressed to everyone, including adults, young people, babies, children, and adolescents.

So far the full line-up has not been revealed, but we know that there will be different activities such as oral narrations, workshops, music, performing arts, offerings, crafts, gastronomy, and more.

Therefore, great guests and fun activities focused on the Day of the Dead are expected. If you don’t know how to get there, here is a map of how to get there from Metro General Anaya or Tasqueña.

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